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Janet Piedilato is a transpersonal psychologist, a complementary health care consultant, and an ordained minister.  She holds two doctoral degrees:  a doctorate in biology from New York University and a doctorate in transpersonal psychology from Saybrook University where Janet studied with Dr Stanley Krippner, world renowned dream psychologist, and Dr Eugene Taylor, Harvard scholar and William James authority.  She received her certificate in Clinical Training, Wellness Counseling and Body/Mind Consciousness with Dr. Jeanne Achterberg and Frank Lawliss, a certificate in the Dr Herb Benson relaxation response therapy from Harvard University, and a certificate in Clinical Training in Hypnosis and Psychophysiological Practice, with Dr. Ian Wickramasekera, Berkeley, California.  


Her early studies on parapsychology brought her into contact with Drs. J B and Louisa Rhine at the Rhine Institute for Studies on the Nature of Man at Duke University as well as with Karlis Osis at the American Society for Psychical Research, New York, where she presented her independent research at their conference meetings.  Janet was privileged to study shamanism with Michael and Sandra Harner and holds the distinction of being the first woman practitioner to present shamanic ritual at the Harvard Divinity School Conference on Reinterpreting Shamanism. She has led shamanic studies at international centers such as the prestigious Institute for Ethnobotany and Shamanic Studies in Belize.


Her publications include The Mystical Dream Tarot which presents a novel approach to understanding imagery as the language of dream and the guide to better comprehend one’s self. Her short story, Pieda’s Tales, is a tale of the imagination and the gifts the creative life offer to a growing child. She has contributed to several books, the most recent is Journeys and Awakenings: Wisdom for Spiritual Travelers, a Seven Pillar House of Wisdom publication.  


Janet has spent a lifetime experiencing and studying the value of altered states as represented by visionary, dream, and shamanic experiences.  Her workshops as well as her private sessions aim to empower individuals to achieve their highest goals by assisting them to move beyond living within the narrow confines of a life guided solely by surface perceptions to one that is enriched and guided by working with dreams to better understand and empower their decisions and life commitments.  She resides at Temenos, an environmental sanctuary co-founded with her husband and soul mate, Iggy.

Dr. Janet Piedilato © 2022, 2023, 2024
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